"Consciousness is the awareness of one's own experience"
The Computational Theory of the Mind (CTM)
“We need to acknowledge the vital role that human consciousness plays in AI development and applications. The Computational Theory of the Mind (CTM) claims that the human mind is essentially a computer and defines consciousness as “the awareness of one’s own existence.” However, Meissner (2020) citing the CTM distinguishes between “primitive consciousness,” which only has a basic understanding of one’s existence and “reflective consciousness,” which includes the ability to analyze the existence of both oneself and others.
Hybrid Intelligence is an emerging field of study that seeks to combine insights from both artificial and human intelligence in order to better understand complex problems and optimize outcomes.
As a hybrid intelligence scholar, Dr Hallin is well-versed in the latest developments in CI/AI technology and is also able to integrate this technology with innovation, human intuition, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Moreover, working with scientists trained in AI, robotics and quantum computing, Hybrid Intelligence World is ready to grow the consciousness of any organization, community, or society.